Custom publication subscription service with email alerts

This private web application was custom built from scratch. The website was built to be fast and responsive.

The primary function of the website is to subscribe to categories of a news service. The categories can be sorted into a desired order. The news feed can then be viewed in the website where summaries of articles are provided with links to the full article. A daily email will also be generated and sent to the user. This email contains the news articles that have been subscribed to.

Some of the features include:

  • Restricted user self registration

The user can register for the service only if the belong to the global organisation.

  • Dynamic category selection and ordering

The list of categories can be interacted with dynamically and no screen refreshes are required once logged into the application.

  • Clean and responsive design

The site uses the clients branding as primary styling and can be viewed across all screen sizes.


This application is built in the ASP.NET framework with C# back end and sends HTML emails. JQuery is used on the front end for dynamic features.